Monday, January 4, 2010


Dear Somebody!

You know. Sometimes i just wonder if there is anybody else out there like me.
I mean i know everybody is different, but i wonder if anybody can really know exactly how i feel.
I'm guessing that's very unlikely since God made us all different and we are all in different situations and respond to things differently. I guess i was just thinking. I mean how cool is it that i am the ONLY me. ha ha. maybe that seems a little lame, but honestly. Nobody will ever go through my life again. They may go through similar situations, but never the same life. So once the past is past, its gone. FOREVER. and i don't have to worry about it anymore.

Sometimes i wish i could go back and just change things, you know. Like they say hindsight's 20:20. There is just some stupid mistakes I've made to make myself seem cooler, or to get instant gratification and i wish that i would have thought before i spoke or acted.

hmmm. So today was the first day back at school after Christmas break, and everything already seems the same, it almost seems like i never left. i guess you just get into the same old routines day to day, it just feels like going through the motions.
I think a lot of people live life like that. Just going through the motions, going day to day and doing the same routine. I would not be able to do that. it bores me, I need excitement, change, spontaneity! ha ha. but i guess sometimes i get caught up in it too.

I wonder what life would be like if i lived just for one day, or one week. and with everything i did i thought about how it could effect the future, every word i said. every insult i used. every joke i made. if i thought about how it would effect me. i wonder what i would realize. Maybe that i don't think about what i say before i say it. Its kinda stupid because i make jokes all the time and i know that if and when somebody says something like that to me it hurts, and i take it personally. no i don't show that i do, but inside it hurts.
what if other people are that way too, i mean i know were all different but we have to share some of the same ideas and feelings, right?

hmmm well. this was random. i guess i just have a lot on my mind right now. :p
much love.

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